Node 4 October 10 2008


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA A large adult Brook Trout with damaged tail swimming close to the camera several times and grabbing at foraging material drifting in the current during the afternoon

Node 4 October 10 2008


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA A large adult Brook Trout dispatches a smaller juvenile Brook Trout from its territory and then continues to forage in the current during the afternoon

Node 4 October 10 2008


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA Nice view of a large adult Brook Trout holding position in the current in front of the camera during the day. A pair of juvenile Cutthroat Trout swim past the camera briefly and then swim away

Node 4 October 10 2008


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA A large adult Brook Trout with a damaged tail forages in the current feeding on drifting material and invertebrates in the afternoon

Node 4 October 10 2008


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA Several juvenile Brook Trout swim upstream and out of view and back into view before a large adult Brook Trout with a damaged tail dominates territory in the afternoon

Node 4 October 10 2008


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA An adult Brook Trout passing close to that camera several times and dominantly chasing juvenile rivals out of territory during the day

Node 4 October 10 2008


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA Brook Trout darting around in swift current and displaying territoriality towards a Westslope Cutthroat Trout early in the morning

Node 4 October 10 2008


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA Westslope Cutthroat Trout and Brook Trout actively swimming in front and past the camera in the morning

Node 4 October 10 2008


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA A Brook Trout passing close to the camera and actively foraging in the swift current during the early morning

Node 4 October 9 2008


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA Cutthroat Trout and Brook Trout night activity