Node 4 November 2 2009


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA Active infrared video of Brook Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout passing by the camera throughout the morning

Node 4 November 2 2009


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA A Brook Trout foraging on a twigs laying on the bottom and spitting them out before foraging on drifting material in the current

Node 4 November 3 2009


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA Active daytime video of a Brook Trout passing very close to the camera several times displaying its colour and pattern nicely, as well as territorial behaviour displayed by an adult Westslope Cutthroat Trout

Node 4 November 4 2009


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA A Brook Trout passing by the camera in infrared before daytime video of an adult Westslope Cutthroat Trout with strange healing scars on one side of its body actively passes back and forth several times close to the camera

Node 4 November 5 2009


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA Sub-adult Westslope Cutthroat Trout and Brook Trout swimming very close to the camera several times and are chased by a larger adult Cutthroat Trout before an otter briefly swims into view of the camera and upstream out of view later in the video

Node 4 November 5 2009


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA Great daytime footage of Westslope Cutthroat Trout and Brook Trout passing back and forth in front of the camera and an adult Westslope Trout with strange injuries displaying territoriality towards rivals

Node 4 November 6 2009


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA Active video of sub-adult and adult Westslope Cutthroat Trout and Brook Trout swimming in front of and around the camera, and territorial interactions between both species

Node 4 December 2 2009


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA Great footage of a Westslope Cutthroat Trout and a Brook Trout passing very close to the camera giving an excellent view of their individual body colour and patterns

Node 4 December 2 2009


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA A Westslope Cutthroat Trout drifting in the current of the cold water past the camera several times, and swimming towards and past the camera

Node 4 December 3 2009


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA A Westslope Cutthroat Trout swims by, staying close to the riverbed, followed by a Brook Trout in the morning