Sarasota Bay, Florida, USA Porgy Sheephead, Snapper and Grouper swim among schools of Spottail Pinfish
Node 20 March 17 2016
Sarasota Bay, Florida, USA Schools of Spottail Pinfish during high tide
Node 20 March 17 2016
Sarasota Bay, Florida, USA The majority of species observed during this day consist of Spottail Pinfish. However, other species include Porgy Sheepshead, Atlantic Spadefish, Cowfish, and Cormorant
Node 20 March 10 2016
Sarasota Bay, Florida, USA Spottail Pinfish activity following the solunar period, which indicates the best times of day for fishing
Node 20 March 9 2016
Sarasota Bay, Florida, USA Atlantic Spadefish, Spottail Pinfish, Grouper and Snapper during periods of high fish activity following high tide
Node 20 March 9 2016
Sarasota Bay, Florida, USA Schools of Spottail Pinfish during the first low tide in the early morning corresponds with expected high fish activity
Node 20 March 8 2016
Sarasota Bay, Florida, USA Night time fish activity
Node 20 March 8 2016
Sarasota Bay, Florida, USA This period of high activity coincided with sunrise, resulting in an excellent time for fishing
Node 20 March 2 2016
Sarasota Bay, Florida, USA Fish activity throughout the day included Atlantic Spadefish, Porgy Sheephead, Grouper, and Spottail Pinfish. The tidal coefficient was low
Node 20 February 18 2016
Sarasota Bay, Florida, USA Sheepshead and Atlantic Spadefish