Lake Eugenia, Eugenia, Ontario, Canada A Rainbow Trout swims slowly under the ice in the early afternoon
Node 13 January 29 2016
Lake Eugenia, Eugenia, Ontario, Canada Juvenile Brook Trout
Node 13 January 28 2016
Lake Eugenia, Eugenia, Ontario, Canada Fish activity under the ice at Lake Eugenia including Rainbow Trout and Brook Trout
Node 13 December 10 2015
Lake Eugenia, Eugenia, Ontario, Canada Winter activity throughout the day including a duck, Rainbow Trout, Yellow Perch, and Largemouth Bass
Node 13 September 23 2015
Lake Eugenia, Eugenia, Ontario, Canada Rainbow Trout from the Beaver River enter Lake Eugenia in the early evening to over-winter
Node 13 September 17 2015
Lake Eugenia, Eugenia, Ontario, Canada A healthy untagged Largemouth Bass forages in aquatic vegetation. The diet of this species consists of frogs and smaller fish such as minnows, Yellow Perch, and sunfish
Node 13 September 16 2015
Lake Eugenia, Eugenia, Ontario, Canada Very few Common Carp were observed in 2015 compared to previous years
Node 13 August 20 2015
Lake Eugenia, Eugenia, Ontario, Canada Largemouth Bass, Yellow Perch, and Rock Bass use aquatic vegetation as habitat
Node 13 August 18 2015
Lake Eugenia, Eugenia, Ontario, Canada Recorded video of fish can provide insight into population estimates, if individual fish can be identified. In this video, the identifying feature is the tail, which is missing a piece on one fish
Node 13 August 17 2015
Lake Eugenia, Eugenia, Ontario, Canada Largemouth Bass and Brown Bullhead utilize a weed bed during the afternoon