N2 September 9 2008


Fall migration of common shiners in the evening

Node 2 September 19 2007


Mannheim weir fishway, Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Fall migration of Common Shiners in the evening – surface water velocity ~ 1.4 m/s

Node 2 September 19 2007


Mannheim weir fishway, Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada A juvenile Smallmouth Bass and several Common Shiners

Node 13 September 19 2007


Lake Eugenia, Eugenia, Ontario, Canada A pair of juvenile smallmouth bass maintain their position in the water column they ascend the fishway in the afternoon

Node 2 September 19 2007


Mannheim weir fishway, Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada A juvenile Smallmouth Bass maintains its position in the water column and is joined by a second Smallmouth Bass as it ascends the fishway in0 the afternoon

Node 2 September 19 2007


Mannheim weir fishway, Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada A juvenile Smallmouth Bass maintains its position in the water column as it ascends the fishway in the afternoon – surface water velocity ~ 1.3 m/s

Node 13 April 24 2017


Lake Eugenia, Eugenia, Ontario, Canada Schools of Yellow Perch, Brook Trout, gravid Common Carp, and a large Brown Bullhead

Node 13 April 23 2017


Lake Eugenia, Eugenia, Ontario, Canada Schools of White Suckers, large Brown Trout, White Suckers feeding, and schools of Yellow Perch

Node 13 April 22 2017


Lake Eugenia, Eugenia, Ontario, Canada White Suckers, Yellow Perch, and a large Brook Trout

Node 13 April 21 2017


Lake Eugenia, Eugenia, Ontario, Canada White Sucker activity in Eugenia Lake