Mannheim weir fishway, Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Daytime upstream migration of a school of Common Shiners through the fishway
Node 2 September 9 2009
Mannheim weir fishway, Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Reduced speed video of Common Shiners making their fall migration during the day
Node 2 September 9 2009
Mannheim weir fishway, Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Large school of Common Shiners migrating during the day
Node 2 September 17 2008
Mannheim weir fishway, Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Fall migration of schools of Common Shiners and Smallmouth Bass navigating up the fishway in the afternoon
Node 2 September 17 2008
Mannheim weir fishway, Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Continuous video of large numbers of Common Shiners and the occasional Smallmouth Bass swimming up the fishway in the morning
Node 2 September 17 2008
Mannheim weir fishway, Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Continuous video of the fall migration of Common Shiners up the Mannheim fishway
Node 2 September 16 2008
Mannheim weir fishway, Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Large numbers of Common Shiners utilizing the fishway for fall migration in the afternoon
Node 2 September 14 2008
Mannheim weir fishway, Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Fall migration of Common Shiners in the morning
N2 September 9 2008
Fall migration of common shiners in the evening
Node 2 September 19 2007
Mannheim weir fishway, Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Fall migration of Common Shiners in the evening – surface water velocity ~ 1.4 m/s