Node 10 August 31 2011


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A Chinook Salmon with a healing Lamprey wound attempts to ascend the fishway in the afternoon

Node 10 August 30 2011


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Several Chinook Salmon attempt to ascend the fishway, including several with fresh and healing Lamprey wounds

Node 10 August 29 2011


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A Chinook Salmon with a large Sea Lamprey attached maintains its position, while another Chinook Salmon with a large fresh Sea Lamprey wound swims by

Node 10 August 29 2011


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A few Chinook Salmon hold their position while inside the fishway

Node 10 August 29 2011


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A few Chinook Salmon with scars and parasitic Sea Lamprey maintain their position inside the fishway

Node 10 August 24 2011


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Several Chinook Salmon, including one with a Silver Lamprey attached, attempt to ascend the fishway in the afternoon

Node 10 August 24 2011


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Several Chinook Salmon push past each other while utilizing the fishway simultaneously

Node 10 August 24 2011


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A Chinook Salmon with a large scar and Sea Lamprey attached lingers inside the fishway while others swim by

Node 10 August 23 2011


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A Chinook Salmon with a parasitic Sea Lamprey attached lingers at the fishway exit as another Salmon swims by – evidence that fish carry Sea Lampreys through fishways

Node 10 August 22 2011


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Several large Chinook Salmon ascend the fishway in the evening, several have Silver Lamprey and Sea Lamprey attached