Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Several Rainbow Trout attempt to maintain their position in the fishway, some falling behind in the late afternoon
Node 10 March 26 2013
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Rainbow Trout swimming up the fishway in the late afternoon
Node 10 March 26 2013
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A Rainbow Trout with a Lamprey scar and its operculum torn off makes multiple attempts at ascending the fishway before successfully swimming up in the late afternoon
Node 10 August 25 2012
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada This year many more Brown Trout have been observed compared to 2011. In this video see the many species of Salmonids that use the fishway regularly including Rainbow Trout, Chinook Salmon, and Brown Trout. Note the Lamprey scars on the Chinook Salmon
Node 10 August 21 2012
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada The camera has been knocked out of position from the force of a Chinook Salmon. However, you can still view fish using the fishway. In this video note the Sea Lamprey attached to the side of this Chinook Salmon
Node 10 May 6 2012
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Individual fish are easily distinguished from others based on specific markings such as the fungus on the tail of this Rainbow Trout that has spent hours inside of the fishway. Note that today is one of the first days Rainbow smolts were observed using the fishway!
Node 10 April 26 2012
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada An Otter uses the fishway and chases a few Rainbow Trout away
Node 10 April 11 2012
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A nice Rainbow Trout swimming casually through the fishway
Node 10 March 29 2012
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Several Rainbow Trout attempt to ascend the fishway with varying degrees of success
Node 10 March 26 2012
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A Rainbow Trout with a Silver Lamprey attached to its side lingers inside the fishway in the afternoon