Node 10 September 1 2013


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A Chinook Salmon with a large fungal growth on its caudal fin struggles to ascend the fishway while a Chinook Salmon and Rainbow Trout move up the fishway

Node 10 August 28 2013


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Two Chinook Salmon attempt to ascend the fishway early in the afternoon with minimal success. A Silver Lamprey is attached to one of the Chinook Salmon.

Node 10 May 1 2013


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Rainbow Trout ascend and fall back through the fishway in the afternoon

Node 10 April 23 2013


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Rainbow Trout ascend the fishway in the mid-afternoon

Node 10 April 17 2013


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Rainbow Trout uses the fishway mid-afternoon to access the Beaver River upstream from the Dam

Node 10 March 26 2013


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Rainbow Trout use the fishway in the mid-afternoon

Node 10 March 26 2013


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Rainbow Trout maintains its position in front of the camera before swimming up the fishway, followed by other Rainbow Trout in the early afternoon

Node 10 March 26 2013


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Several Rainbow Trout swim up the fishway in the afternoon

Node 10 March 26 2013


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Rainbow Trout swim up the fishway in the early afternoon, one with a Lamprey scar and damaged anal fin

Node 10 March 26 2013


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Rainbow Trout maintain position in front of the camera and swim up the fishway in the afternoon