Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A Crayfish crawls over the lens at night before becoming startled and swimming away
Node 10 July 5 2011
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A Snapping Turtle and Rock Bass use the fishway at night
Node 10 July 4 2011
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A Crayfish crawls over the lens to ascend quickly at night in the fishway
Node 10 June 15 2011
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A Snapping Turtle attempts to ascend the fishway, but is ultimately unsuccessful
Node 10 May 31 2011
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A Snapping Turtle quickly ascends the fishway
Node 10 October 2 2022
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A large Chinook Salmon attempts unsuccessfully to pass upstream while two small Rainbow Trout swim rapidly through the fishway exit area
Node 10 September 25 2022
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A Chinook Salmon and a small Rainbow Trout pass upstream through the fishway exit
Node 10 September 16 2022
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Successful upstream passage of a large Chinook Salmon in the fishway
Node 10 September 10 2022
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A Chinook Salmon passes over the control gate and into the exit area of the fishway
Node 10 September 8 2022
Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada Rapid and timely Chinook Salmon passage at the fishway exit