Node 24 December 17 2023


Putah Creek, California, USA Large school of Sacramento Pikeminnow moving upstream

Node 5 November 9 2008


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA Several Westslope Cutthroat Trout pass by in the morning

Node 5 November 8 2008


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA Several juvenile Brook Trout pass close by the camera at night

Node 5 November 7 2008


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA Several juvenile Trout forage at night

Node 5 November 7 2008


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA A Westslope Cutthroat Trout passes close to the camera in the morning

Node 5 November 6 2008


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA A Brook Trout passes close to the camera in the afternoon

Node 5 November 5 2008


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA Several juvenile Trout forage at night

Node 5 November 5 2008


Cooney Creek, Swan Valley, Condon, Montana, USA A Westslope Cutthroat Trout and Brook Trout forage during the afternoon

Node 10 August 4 2011


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A Crayfish crawls over the lens at night before becoming startled and swimming away

Node 10 July 5 2011


Thornbury Fishway, Thornbury, Ontario, Canada A Snapping Turtle and Rock Bass use the fishway at night