Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada A Crayfish, Stonecat and Rock Bass approach the camera one after the other at night
Node 9 June 19 2010
Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Several Smallmouth Bass swim by and approach the camera in pairs, followed by a Rock Bass in the late afternoon
Node 9 June 19 2010
Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Rock Bass and Smallmouth Bass circle each other several times before the Rock Bass retreats
Node 9 June 19 2010
Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Rock Bass and Smallmouth Bass swim by and circle each other while foraging
Node 9 June 19 2010
Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Smallmouth Bass swim by quickly while Rock Bass approach and circle the camera while foraging in the afternoon
Node 9 June 19 2010
Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Rock Bass forage close to the camera while several Smallmouth Bass chase each other
Node 9 June 18 2010
Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Rock Bass and Smallmouth Bass swim by quickly, ignoring the strong current in the late afternoon
Node 9 June 18 2010
Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Rock Bass and several Smallmouth Bass swim by and circle each other while foraging
Node 9 June 18 2010
Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada A Rock Bass forages on the riverbed close to the camera, before a pair of Smallmouth Bass appear briefly
Node 9 June 18 2010
Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada A Rock Bass forages right in front of the camera, followed by a pair of Smallmouth Bass that follow each other before swimming away