Node 9 July 16 2010


Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Smallmouth Bass and Rock Bass swim by quickly at night

Node 9 July 16 2010


Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Smallmouth Bass pass by the camera while a Carp forages and churns up the riverbed in the early evening

Node 9 July 15 2010


Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Smallmouth Bass swim by and approach the camera in the early evening

Node 9 July 13 2010


Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada A Common Carp forages in front of the camera before Smallmouth Bass pass by in the afternoon

Node 9 July 8 2010


Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Rock Bass chase each other and rest on the riverbed despite the strong current at night

Node 9 July 8 2010


Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Smallmouth Bass and Rock Bass pass by the camera briefly in the morning

Node 9 July 7 2010


Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Rock Bass swims up, before resting on the riverbed, holding its position as debris swirls around at night

Node 9 July 6 2010


Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Pair of Rock Bass swim by slowly, followed by a single one shortly after at night

Node 9 June 24 2010


Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada A Crayfish raises its claws to the Smallmouth Bass in the distance while foraging, before a pair of Rock Bass chase each other in the early morning

Node 9 June 23 2010


Grand River, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada A Crayfish forages through weeds at night, while being approached by a Stonecat several times while a Smallmouth Bass can be seen in the distance during the early morning