BRAVO Mobile May 21 2021


Maple Hill Fishway, Saugeen River, Ontario, Canada Rainbow Trout falling back downstream through the Maple Hill fishway exit

BRAVO Mobile April 25 2020


Maple Hill Fishway, Saugeen River, Ontario, Canada Rainbow Trout passage throughout the day at Maple Hill Dam

BRAVO Mobile October 14 2021


Maple Hill Fishway, Saugeen River, Ontario, Canada Rainbow Trout exiting the fishway at the Maple Hill Dam

BRAVO Mobile April 19 2017


Shebeshekong River, Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada White Suckers in the current of the Shebeshekong River.

BRAVO Mobile April 20 2017


Shebeshekong River, Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada Muskellunge (Muskie) and Northern Pike making their way upstream together

BRAVO Mobile August 19 2021


Robert’s Lake Outflow, Nunavut, Canada Lake Trout moving upstream through a fish fence

BRAVO Mobile August 17 2021


Robert’s Lake Outflow, Nunavut, Canada Arctic Char moving through a fish fence upstream

BRAVO Mobile August 14 2021


Robert’s Lake Outflow, Nunavut, Canada Arctic Char moving through a fish fence

BRAVO Mobile August 1 2021


Robert’s Lake Outflow, Nunavut, Canada Great video of an Arctic Char moving upstream toward Robert’s Lake

BRAVO Mobile April 21 2008


Schneider Creek, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada White Suckers captured spawning