Brook Trout Population Sampling in Strasburg Creek, Kitchener
Strasburg Creek in Kitchener, Ontario, is one of only a few remaining coldwater urban waterways in the city. In response to concerns regarding planned development in the area, Biotactic began monitoring water temperatures and conducting surveys of the brook trout population size and health in 2022. A temperature logger which records water temperature hourly was installed on April 12 2022. Recorded water temperatures between April 12 2022 and July 5 2023 have ranged from 0.5 to 20.7C.
Electrofishing surveys were conducted on July 6 and 7 in 2022 within a 660m stretch of the creek located behind an existing subdivision and along well maintained trails. A total of 977 fish and 8 species were captured within this stretch. Species included blacknose dace, brook trout, brook stickleback, creek chub, longnose dace, mottled sculpin, pumpkinseed and white sucker. Of the 977 individuals captured, 333 fish (34%) were brook trout. Sizes ranged from 53 to 243 mm total length. In 2023, electrofishing surveys were conducted on July 4 and 5 and covered a 560m stretch of the creek, with the remaining 100m blocked by a significant beaver dam. A total of 804 fish and 9 species were captured, the with the additional new species being a single largemouth bass. Of the 804 individuals captured, 178 fish (22%) were brook trout. Sizes ranged from 53 to 275 mm total length. Likely influenced by the upstream beaver dam and warmer spring temperatures, water temperature measured ~18.5C when surveys were conducted in 2023 compared to ~15.7C in 2022. An additional 172 pumpkinseed were captured in 2023 compared to 2022. Both water temperature and population monitoring will continue in the future.
![Hourly Strasburg Creek Water Temperature](
![channelized creek](
![urban brook trout](
![mobile fish processing](