Receiver station battery change in the winter. A sled comes in very handy!
Everyone loves watching the fish jump! Bowmanville Creek, Ontario
Demonstrating a BRAVO fish monitoring system at a steelhead tournament in Bowmanville
Discussing the BRAVO fish monitoring system that will be installed in Bowmanville Creek with local anglers
Reinstalling the N10 underwater camera at the Thornbury fishway in the Beaver River, Ontario
Mounting the N10 camera during reinstallation at the Thornbury fishway
Lowering the Thornbury fishway camera into place at the exit of the fishway in the Beaver River, Ontario
Scouting locations in Strasbourg Creek, Kitchener, for future Brook Trout surveys
What'd we get!? Pulling up the trap in the Denny's Dam fishway, Saugeen River, Southampton, Ontario
Another 50 Rainbow Trout radiotagged- a total of 368 tagged so far for this project
A beautiful Rainbow Trout ready to be tracked
Downloading receiver station data at the confluence of Otter Creek and the Saugeen River
Ready to track! Conducting an aerial survey of the Saugeen River watershed to relocate tagged Rainbow Trout
Another aerial view of the Truax Dam footprint in Walkerton, Ontario. The dam was removed late August 2019
A beautiful redd in Otter Creek during spring 2022 redd count surveys
Spawning Rainbow Trout
A paddle across the Grand River to deploy buoys warning of the presence of the Mannheim weir
Advising the installation of 2 BRAVO fish monitoring systems at a fishway on the Riviere des Prairies, Quebec
Mounted cameras for fish monitoring systems at a fishway on the Riviere des Prairies, Quebec
A Smallmouth Bass checks out the newly installed fish monitoring cameras. Riviere des Prairies, Quebec
Installing a BRAVO fish monitoring system to investigate passage at the Mannheim weir in the Grand River, Kitchener
Downloading a water temperature logger upstream of the removed Truax Dam in Walkerton, Ontario
The first electrofishing session of the year! Fishing for native adult lamprey in the Styx River, Ontario
Bucket carrier for the first electrofishing session of the year!
A lamprey nest in the Styx River, Ontario
A mix of adult and ammocete lamprey captured in the Saugeen River upstream of the Hanover Dam
Close up of an adult lamprey captured in the Saugeen River watershed
Close up of the mouth and teeth of an adult lamprey captured in the Saugeen River watershed
In the Arctic constructing fish fences and installing BRAVO camera systems to count Arctic Char and Lake Trout near Cambridge Bay in Nunavut
Working in the tundra building a fish counting fence and installing a solar-powered fish monitoring system
View from a helicopter of the study site and fish fences in Nunavut that migrating Arctic Char and Lake Trout move through during their annual summer migration
Measuring Brook Trout and recording data in a small cold-water stream in Southern Ontario
A beautiful Brook Trout captured in a small cold-water stream in Southern Ontario
Feisty Brookies! It takes a patient hand to get accurate lengths!
Mapping habitat in the Saugeen River prior to our annual electrofishing surveys to measure the impact of removing the Truax Dam
There are some deep pools in the Saugeen River, and our intrepid mapping team knows just how to find them!
Biotactic Team 6 mapping and recording changes in habitat in the Saugeen River downstream of Walkerton
Well look dat! Young of the year Rainbow Trout from a Saugeen River tributary after removal of the Truax Dam
Sorting, weighing and measuring all the fish we just caught in one of our 22 study sections of the Saugeen River watershed
Incidental catch - an adult mudpuppy from the Saugeen River
Broken electrofishing net (13000+ fish a year will do that). We had to call in our international net repair expert for this one!
Another gorgeous fish processing location on the bank of Otter Creek
Tim at his drum kit! Weighing and measuring all the fish we just caught electrofishing in Otter Creek
Dr. Bailey Jacobson beaming in the summer sunset
The Styx River is one of our 22 study sites where we conduct electrofishing surveys to measure changes in biomass and production after removal of the Truax Dam in Walkerton
Preparing to sample a blocked section of the Styx River with electrofishing gear
A spectacular male Bluntnose Minnow from the Saugeen River
Let's try not to have too much fun fellas!
Sorting, counting, measuring and weighing - the life of a fish biologist!
One of the first Chinook Salmon we caught during electrofishing surveys in the Saugeen River and tributaries upstream from the old Truax Dam after it was removed
Gorgeous male River Chub from the Saugeen River
Healthy Rainbow Trout produced in the Saugeen River after removal of the Truax Dam in Walkerton
Yet another fish processing set-up during fish biomass surveys in Otter Creek
There's some diverse biomass - keeping them cool and aerated prior to release back into the Saugeen
Young of the year Chinook Salmon - more and more every year!
Fourteen YOY Chinook Salmon sampled with electrofishing gear in a Saugeen River tributary
Always feels great to release a bucket of healthy native fish back into their home stream after they have been examined
Back at Camp Biotactic for a well-deserved bar-b-que
Automated fish tracking station at the confluence of Otter Creek and the Saugeen River
Cold, clear Otter Creek tinkling over a mossy log
Beautiful Brown Trout electrofished from Otter Creek during annual biomass surveys
Brown Trout set for release back into Otter Creek
Juvenile Northern Pike from Otter Creek - these guys are few and far between
Contestants in the 2022 Saugeen River Team 6 Fish Sampling Challenge - back from collecting habitat data after a day of electrofishing
Almost done processing all these fish. Just one more left in here, somewhere...
Oh no! The great ladderball championship series begins
Our courageous and intrepid net master - Dr. Fabio Vilella
Well isn't that a lovely Brown Trout from the Beatty Saugeen River
Fifty metres of the Saugeen River blocked and ready to be shocked for a capture efficiency test
The first Yellow Perch that we have sampled among tens of thousands of fish in the upper Saugeen River
Hey ho, hey ho, it's off to set nets we go
Might not mean much to you, but this is the largest Johnny Darter ever recorded
Fish all separated out by species prior to processing. What's under the rock Jeremy?
Beatty Saugeen fishing team! Another great day of sampling
Collecting habitat data after electrofishing a section of the Saugeen River downstream from Walkerton
Electrofishing gear loaded on the ATV and set for the return trip back upstream to Camp Biotactic in Hanover, Ontario. We caught, processed and released over 13 330 fish for this project in 2022
Checking the receiver settings on one of our seven fish tracking stations on the Saugeen River
Repairing a severed telemetry antenna cable at Denny's Dam. Whoa that was a smokin' hot day!
What a nice fish! Chinook Salmon sampling in Nottawasaga Bay aboard the R.V. Thermo-Klein
Back to Port Hope for another fish rescue operation. We keep catching Walleye!
Alright, we called this one. Here is the largest Brook Silverside ever caught in Canada - Lake Ontario in Port Hope
It is so nice to be able to rescue and relocate such beautiful fish, like this pike, prior to dredging operations in Port Hope
This Northern Pike was among the nearly 1700 fish that we relocated back to Lake Ontario in 2022
What a fun surprise! A week of netting and tagging Walleye in Manitoba with SVS, MMF and MDNR
One of fifty externally radio-tagged Walleye for an upcoming spawning habitat study in Lake Winnipegosis
Lake Winnipegosis Walleye radio-tagged and ready for release
Removing gear upstream from the Mannheim weir in preparation for impending ice and snow
Ooooo... Chinook Salmon that managed to make their way into Otter Creek to spawn during a year with very low water levels
Quick installation of a BRAVO M2 system to monitor Rainbow Trout at the exit of the Maple Hill fishway
Drone survey of the snowy Saugeen River upstream of the removed Truax Dam
Conducting a redd count to monitor Chinook Salmon spawning in a snowy Otter Creek