Grand Niagara Fish SalvageGrand Niagara Golf Course Fish Rescue Prior to dewatering and overprinting, Biotactic uses a combination of boat and backpack...
Lake Niapenco Sport Fish Population EstimatesThe Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) contracted Biotactic to conduct a fish community and population study at the...
Greater Redhorse OntogenyAdult greater redhorse Moxostoma valenciennesi, were seined from the Grand River, Ontario, and artificially spawned in May 1997 and...
Brown Trout in the Kananaskis RiverWe used radio-telemetry to investigate detailed movement and summer habitat of brown trout Salmo trutta (size range 157...
Public Participation OpportunitiesThe Truax Dam, which was located on the Saugeen River in Walkerton, Ontario, for over a century was...
Greater Redhorse EcologyIn 1997, we began studying greater redhorse (Moxostoma valenciennesi) spawning habitat, spawning behaviour, fecundity, egg and larval development,...
Razorback Sucker TelemetryBiotactic assisted Bio-West (Utah) with the set-up of a combined sonic and radio-telemetry project of federally endangered...
Teeswater River Mussel RelocationFrom 2015-2017 Biotactic performed a mussel relocation project in the Teeswater River as part of the reconstruction of...