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Fall 2024 RadiotelemetryFish sponsored by the public (Lake Huron Fishing Club, Steeldreams, Bruce Power LP) will be tracked from November...
Northern Pike Telemetry and Passage MonitoringRadio transmitters were surgically implanted in the body cavity of ten northern pike between 502 mm TL and...
Arctic Char in Hope BayIn July 2021 and 2022, Biotactic staff travelled to Hope Bay, Nunavut to build fish fences equipped with...
Grand River Smallmouth BassMobility of tournament-caught and released smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu was monitored in the Grand River, Ontario, between 1995...
Fishway Performance Meta-AnalysisAttraction and passage efficiency was reviewed and compared from 19 monitoring studies that produced data for evaluations of...
Dunnville Fishway Walleye PassageA Denil fishway in Dunnville, Ontario was built to provide upstream passage for walleye Stizostedion vitreum from Lake...
Swimming in Turbulent FlowsWe have installed and operated cameras that stream fish movement inside fishways, onto the internet since 2007....
Restoring Walleye Migration in the Shebeshekong RiverIn 2017 we restored migration routes for Walleye at a set of rapids and a waterfall that had...
Sulphur SpringsSeveral cold water sulphur springs flow into tributaries of the Welland River on the Niagara Peninsula. Sulphur...
Fish Passage in BrazilIn November 2012, and again in 2019 we assisted our very good friends at Simbiota in Southern Brazil...
Black Redhorse Habitat PreferencesWe have been working in conjunction with Fisheries and Oceans Canada to study egg development, early life history
Silver Shiner Size-Class Structure, Habitat Utilization, Movement and Persistence in an Urbanized Fragment of a Great Lakes TributarySilver Shiners were captured and habitat was characterized from 38 locations in the Grand River during the summer...