- Public Participation OpportunitiesThe Truax Dam, which was located on the Saugeen River in Walkerton, Ontario, for over a century was...
- Brown Trout in the Kananaskis RiverWe used radio-telemetry to investigate detailed movement and summer habitat of brown trout Salmo trutta (size range 157...
- Integrated Wetland Management- Lake ChubsuckerOur initial contract with Environment Canada (EC) / Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) involved relocation of native fish and...
- Videographic Surveys Saugeen RiverBiotactic has been performing videographic surveys of fish passage at the Maple Hill dam fishway as well as...
- Freshwater Mussel IdentificationImages and descriptions of freshwater mussel species in Ontario, Canada
- Hydro-Electric Turbine Impact EvaluationSmolts require access to the fishway (i.e., the fishway must be open and operational) during their downstream migration....
- Lake Mead Razorback Sucker TelemetryIn December 2004, December 2005, December 2008, February 2010, and January 2011 Biotactic assisted Bio-West (Utah) with...
- Brook Trout Population in an Urban CreekIn response to concerns regarding planned development in the area, Biotactic began monitoring water temperatures and conducted a...