Grand Niagara Golf Course Fish Rescue
Prior to dewatering and overprinting, Biotactic uses a combination of boat and backpack electrofishing, as well as various trap nets (e.g., umbrella, G-minnow, Fyke), to remove all fish and aquatic wildlife (e.g., turtles, frogs, crayfish) from ponds on the Grand Niagara Golf Course in Niagara Falls, Canada. This land is in the process of being converted to a large housing development. To-date 3 ponds have been cleared and fully drained and a total of 14 fish species and 52 725 individuals have been salvaged. In addition to fish, 9 juvenile and adult snapping turtles, 41 painted turtles, 165 bull and green frogs, 753 virile and northern clearwater crayfish, 3 snakes and 1 muskrat were captured and relocated to the nearby Welland River. This project is ongoing with additional ponds scheduled to be cleared in 2026.