Fish Salvage and Mussel Relocation
Biotactic regularly conducts fish rescue and relocation operations (salvage) using boat and backpack electrofishing, as well as various types of netting. Rescues are performed quickly and efficiently so that client projects can continue with minimal disruption or delay.
Staff at Biotactic have several years of experience relocating freshwater mussels in accordance with the Species at Risk Act, following Department of Fisheries and Oceans standard protocols and methodology.
Rescue of fish within the inner harbour of Lake Ontario in Port Hope prior to dredging
Rescue of fish trapped in small pool downstream of a newly unconnected fishway
Fish rescue operations, Canadian Niagara Power Station, Niagara Falls, Ontario
Fish salvage from a pond prior to dewatering and overprinting for the construction of a housing development in Niagara Falls, Ontario
1m transects established to search for SAR Rainbow Mussels relocated due to bridge construction
Tagged mussel relocated during 1-year post-relocation sampling required as per DFO protocols