Commissioned Reports
- Biotactic Inc. 2025. Saugeen River Truax Dam 2024: Post Dam-Removal Year 5 Fish Biomass Monitoring and Habitat Mapping. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 240pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2025. West Detour Project- Review of "Development of Effluent Limits for Mine Water Pond Discharge to Sunday Creek ISW #4914-CDY826". Prepared for Cree Nation Government and Goldblatt Partners LLP. 4pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2025. Denny's Dam Nature-Like Fishway Proposal and Feasibility Study. Prepared for and funded by Biotactic Inc. 22pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2024. Sydenham River Brook Trout Survey. Prepared for Pinchin Ltd. 8pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2024. Truax Dam Post-Removal Radio telemetry, Spawning and Videographic Surveys- Spring 2024. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 94pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2024. Truax Dam Post-Removal Radio telemetry, Spawning and Videographic Surveys- Fall/Winter 2023/2024. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 80pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2024. Enhancing Fish Passage at the Fairford Dam: A Nature-Like Fishway Design Approach. Prepared for the Manitoba Métis Federation. 21pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2024. Saugeen River Truax Dam 2023: Post Dam-Removal Year 4 Fish Biomass Monitoring and Near-Field Habitat Mapping. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 165pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2023. Truax Dam Post-Removal Radiotelemetry, Spawning and Videographic Surveys- Spring 2023. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 89pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2023. Salmonid Spawning and Videographic Surveys with Additional Radio Tracking After Truax Dam Removal Fall/Winter 2022/2023. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 43pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2023. Climate Change & Fishing: Today's Trends & Tomorrow's Expectations. Prepared for the Métis Nation of Ontario. Pamphlet.
- Biotactic Inc. 2023. West Detour Project- Review of "Response to Comments of Assessment of Alternatives Report for Mine Waste Disposal and Review of the Fish Habitat Offset and Compensation Plan Provided by Cree Nation" and GeoProcess Memos. Prepared for Cree Nation Government and Goldblatt Partners LLP. 3pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2022. Saugeen River Truax Dam 2022: Post-Dam Removal Year 3 Fish Biomass Monitoring and Near-Field Habitat Mapping. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 156pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2022. Truax Dam Post-Removal Radio Telemetry, Spawning and Videographic Surveys - Spring 2022. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 145pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2022. City of Dawson Creek Bearhole Fishway Monitoring 2022 Data Summary. Prepared for City of Dawson Creek. 2pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2022. West Detour Project- Review of WDP, Fisheries Act, Paragraph 35(2)(b) Authorization Offset Plan and MDMER Schedule 2 Fish Habitat Compensation Plan and Assessment of Alternatives for Storage of Mine Waste and Plan Summaries. Prepared for Cree Nation Government and Goldblatt Partners LLP. 5pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2022. Radio Telemetry, Spawning and Videographic Surveys of Rainbow Trout and Chinook Salmon in the Saugeen River- Fall/Winter 2021/2022. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 89pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2022. Saugeen River Truax Dam 2021: Post-Dam Removal Year 2 Fish Biomass Monitoring and Near-Field Habitat Mapping. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 142pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2022. KLG West Detour Project- Review of Design Brief supporting a Request for Amendment to ECA Industrial Sewage Works including Associated Supporting Documents and Plain Language Summary. Prepared for Cree Nation Government and Goldblatt Partners LLP. 11pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2022. Technical Memorandum and Data Summary: Roberts Lake Outflow Monitoring- Arctic Char and Lake Trout Passage. Prepared for Minnow Environmental Inc. 101pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2021. Saugeen River Radio Telemetry, Spawning and Videographic Surveys– Spring 2021. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 184pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2021. Radio Telemetry, Videographic Surveys and Spawning of Salmonids in the Saugeen River– Autumn/Winter 2020/2021. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 104pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2021. KLG West Detour Project- Review of Application for Paragraph 35(2)(b) Fisheries Act Authorization, Fish Habitat Compensation Supplementary Information and Supporting Documents. Prepared for Cree Nation Government and Goldblatt Partners LLP. 6pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2021. KLG West Detour Project- Review of Amendment to ECA Industrial Sewage Works, Fisheries Act Authorization Offset and MDMER Fish Compensation Plans. Prepared for Cree Nation Government and Goldblatt Partners LLP. 8pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2021. Saugeen River Truax Dam Removal 2020: Post Dam-Removal Year 1 Fish Biomass Monitoring and Near-Field Habitat Mapping. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 127pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2020. Saugeen River Radio Telemetry, Spawning and Videographic Surveys – Spring 2020. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 119pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2020. Detour Gold West Detour Project- Review of Final Environmental Study Report, Aquatic Resources Baseline and Water Management and Modelling Reports. Prepared for Cree Nation Government and Goldblatt Partners LLP. 21pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2020. Saugeen River Radio Telemetry, Spawning and Videographic Surveys – Autumn and Winter 2019/2020. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 119pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2020. Saugeen River Truax Dam Removal: 2019 Baseline Fish Biomass and Near-field Habitat Mapping. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 97pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2019. Rainbow Trout Telemetry, Spawning and Videographic Surveys in the Saugeen River Watershed – Spring 2019. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 182pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2019. Saugeen River Radio Telemetry, Spawning and Videographic Surveys – Autumn and Winter 2018/2019. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 88pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2019. Saugeen River Truax Dam Removal: 2018 Baseline Habitat and Fish Biomass. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 168pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2018. Hillsburgh Dam Remediation: Fishway and Coldwater Draw Structure Feasibility Study. Prepared for Triton Engineering Services Ltd. 24pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2018. Saugeen River Report Spring 2018: Rainbow Trout Telemetry and Spawning Survey. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 68pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2018. Saugeen River Truax Dam Removal Monitoring Plan: Before-After Control-Impact Study to Measure Changes in Fish Biomass. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 24pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2018. Potential Fish Passage Solutions for Razorback Sucker and Colorado Pikeminnow in the San Juan River. Prepared for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the United States Bureau of Reclamation. 5pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2018. Shebeshekong River Annual Report: 2017 Baseline Data Collection and Restoration of Connectivity for Migratory Walleye. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 35pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2018 Saugeen River Truax Dam Removal Annual Report: 2017 Baseline Data. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 15pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2017. Quantifying Fish Production in Lakes versus Rivers: Considerations for Calculating Bruce Power Offsets. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 10pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2017. Stream Restoration: A Review of Potential Net Changes in Fish Biomass. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 22pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2017. Shebeshekong River Restoration Plan: Walleye Passage and Population Recovery. Prepared for the Eastern Georgian Bay Stewardship Council. 26pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2017. Truax Dam Removal (Saugeen River) and Shebeshekong River Monitoring Plans: Before-After Control-Impact Studies to Measure Changes in Fish Biomass. Prepared for Bruce Power LP. 25pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2017. Lake Niapenco Sport Fish Population Estimates: Largemouth bass, Smallmouth bass, White Crappie, Black Crappie, Pike and Walleye. Prepared for the Niagara River Conservation Authority. 58pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2016. Integrated Wetland Management: The Balance Between Reservoir Drawdown and the Impact on Species at Risk, Lake Chubsucker (Erimyzon sucetta), in the St. Clair National Wildlife Area – Fisheries Inventory and Drawdown Protocol Options. Prepared for Environment Canada. 122 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2015. COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Black Redhorse Moxostoma duquesnei in Canada. Prepared for Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Ottawa. xii + 50 pp. (
- Biotactic Inc. 2015-2018. Seasonal Changes in Movement and Habitat Utilization of bass in Lake Eugenia. Prepared for the Lake Eugenia Property Owners Association. 41pp+.
- Biotactic Inc. 2015-2017. Relocation of Freshwater Mussels in the Teeswater River for the Reconstruction of the Big Irwin Bridge (Paisley, Ontario). Prepared for Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 1501. 52pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2013. Draft Occurrence Survey Protocol for Black Redhorse (Moxostoma duquesnei) in Ontario. Prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Peterborough, On. 1301. 26pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2012. Analysis of Fish Barrier Remediation within Frenchmans Creek, Drapers Creek and Coyle Creek. Prepared for the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority. 1201. 15pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2011. Management Plan for River Redhorse in Canada. Prepared for Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Draft – 1103. 36 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2011. Monitoring Guidelines for Fish Passage at Dams and Weirs. Prepared with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 1102. Draft – 32 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2011. Potential Impacts of Detour Lake Gold Mine Effluent on Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in the Hurricana River Basin. Prepared for the Cree Regional Authority and Waskaganish First Nation. 1101. 16 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2010. Fish Movement in the Thames River at the Springbank Dam Before and After Gate Re-Construction. Prepared for the City of London and the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. 1003. 53 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2010. Rainbow Trout Passage at the Maple Hill Dam Fishway, Saugeen River, Ontario. Prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1001. 40 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2010. Maple Hill dam Micro-Hydro Turbine Evaluation, Saugeen River, Ontario. Prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1002. 9 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2009. Fish Movement in the Thames River at the Springbank Dam During Open Flow conditions: Post-Construction Monitoring and Baseline Comparison Year 2. Prepared for The City of London. 0901. 47 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2008. Arched Pipe Culvert Crossing on Municipal Drain No. 1 Township of Mapleton: Post-Construction Monitoring. Prepared for Fisheries and Oceans Canada on behalf of Norwell Dairy Systems Limited. 0803. 24pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2008. Fish Movement at the Springbank Dam During Open Flow Conditions: Post-Construction Monitoring and Baseline Comparison. Prepared for The City of London and The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. 0802. 45 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2008. Fish Movement in the Rupert River at sites PK 223 and PK 290. Prepared for the Cree Regional Authority. 081.
- Biotactic Inc. 2007. Chronology of the American Eel Fishery in Ontario. Prepared for Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP, Toronto, ON, 074.
- Biotactic Inc. 2007. Impacts of Sulphur Springs on Fish Movement, Fish Habitat and Water Quality in Buckhorn Creek. Prepared for The Niagara Restoration Council. 073. 21 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2007. Dynamic Patterns of Fish Production, Fish Exploitation and Ecological Change in Lake Erie. Prepared for Frost Brown Todd LLC, Columbus Ohio, 072. 33 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2007. Biological Considerations and Potential Ramifications of Dewatering the Reeb Quarry. Prepared for the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority. 071.
- Biotactic Inc. 2006. Yellow Falls Fish Passability Assessment. Prepared for Yellow Falls Power Limited. 064. 16 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2006. Fish Movement at the Springbank Dam During Open Flow Conditions: Pre-Construction Baseline Monitoring. Prepared for The City of London and The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. 063. 44 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2006. Fish Passage Monitoring Framework and Permit Conditions for Rehabilitation of the Springbank Dam – Peer Review. Prepared for The City of London. 062. 24 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2006. Moving Forward with a Fisheries Management plan for the Binbrook Reservoir (Lake Niapenco). Prepared for the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority. 061. 64 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2005. Eastmain-1-A Powerhouse and Rupert Diversion – Environmental Impact Statement: Cisco (Coregonus artedi) Conservation Related to Directive Requirements. Prepared for the Cree Regional Authority. 052. 9 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2005. Eastmain-1-A Powerhouse and Rupert Diversion – Environmental Impact Statement: Fish Movement at KP 170 and KP 223. Prepared for the Cree Regional Authority. 051. 7 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2004. Eastmain-1-A Powerhouse and Rupert Diversion – Environmental Impact Statement: Review of M10 – Fish methodology. Prepared for the Cree Regional Authority. 045. 10 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2004. Eastmain-1-A Powerhouse and Rupert Diversion – Environmental Impact Statement: Review of Chapter 11: Description of Biophysical Environment and Assessment of Impacts – Rupert – Lemare – Nemiscau Section, Review of Chapter 22: Summary of Physical Modifications, Impacts, and Mitigation and Compensation Measures, Review of Chapter 24: Environmental Compliance and Follow-Up Programs. Prepared for the Cree Regional Authority. 044. 22 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2004. Eastmain-1-A Powerhouse and Rupert Diversion – Environmental Impact Statement: Review of Chapters 10 and 12: Description of Biophysical Environment and Assessment of Impacts – Rupert Diversion Bay Section. Prepared for the Cree Regional Authority. 043. 16 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2004. Summary Report – Walleye Spawning Survey – Welland River 2004. Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority. 042. 6 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2004. Instream Ecology, Riparian Habitat and River Bank Stability – Baseline Data and Preliminary Characterization Related to Flow Reversal in the Welland River. Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority. 041a. 42 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2003. Northern Pike Passage, Critical Habitat, and Effects of Barriers on Movement of Northern Pike in the Welland River West and Oswego Creek. Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority and The Niagara Restoration Council. 031a. 79 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2001. Movement and Behaviour of White Suckers at the Old Welland Canal Siphons. Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority and Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 014a. 16 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2001. Preliminary Videographic Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Dow Dam Fish Ladder. The Dow Chemical Company. 013a. 17 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2001. Biological Considerations for the Mannheim Lowlift and Highlift Pumping Stations. The Regional Municipality of Waterloo. 011a. 30 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2001. Stanley Park Optimists Area Fisheries Review – Year 2. City of Kitchener. 012a. 16 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 2000. Effects of Live Release on the Dispersal of Smallmouth Bass. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 001a.
- Biotactic Inc. 1999. Status of the Kearns-Witzel and Bickle Pond Fisheries. City of Kitchener. 993a. 30 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 1999. Field Assessment of the Dow Fishway for Passage of Walleye. The Dow Chemical Company. 992a. 23 pp.
- Biotactic Inc. 1999. Caledonia Fishway Design and Placement Report. Grand River Conservation Authority. 991a. 20 pp.